Other Voices 2023
Par Peace Lines le 26 Avril 2023 à 22:39
Not surprisingly, from the end of March 2020 till the end of March 2023, this HOPE section has remained silent.
It is not that we had lost Hope. Rather that we were simply too busy counting shots around us. Priorities had shifted altogether.
Such was the long nuclear winter of the coronavirus.
Water had become clear again in the canals of Venice...
Our brains were over-saturated with misinformation and misjudgments of all kinds.
Now we are out of it.
Looking for these nuggets of human gold again, and displaying them for you.
December 15, 2023
And then came October 7. Like the worst avalanche that could ever be imagined.
Remember the BaTaClan massacre, in Paris, on November 13, 2015 ?
Out of an audience of 1,500 mostly young people, ninety were killed in the first twenty minutes of the onslaught by three terrorists of ISIS, and hundreds were wounded.
At the Re'im rave party near Kissufim, out of some 2,500 revelers, 360 were massacred in a few moments, Saturday October 7 after dawn, dozens were taken hostages to Gaza, hundreds more were shot and maimed.
This is where we are now. The people of Gaza are paying a dreadful price for their leaders' folly. Two million have been displaced.
Over fifteen thousand have been killed. In Israel, North and South, three hundred thousand persons have been displaced.
The daily feeling is that we have nowhere to go, but deeper into the fog of war.
Hence the miracle that voices like Natan Sharansky's daughter could still be heard, in their own right and light.
Fred Maroun, The Times of Israel, December 19, 2023
I’m a pacifist, atheist Arab and I’m praying for IDF soldiers
Rachel Sharansky Danziger, The Times of Israel, December 12, 2023
As we teeter between light and darkness, may we be a good ‘shamash’
Rachel Sharansky Danziger, The Times of Israel, December 7, 2023
Between the world and us, we place a light
Amany Mahmoud, Al Monitor, July 3, 2021
Jerusalem bilingual school promotes coexistence
Akiva Eldar, Al Monitor, March 13, 2013
Bilingual School Teaches Lesson in Coexistence
Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, YNet News, May 17, 2023
Itamar Eichner, YNet News, May 11, 2023
Unprecedented: EU body links textbook antisemitism to Palestinian attacks
5 Gilad Meiri, YNet News, May 4, 2023
Hope and healing: Grieving Dee family meets organ recipients
Rina Bassist, Al Monitor, May 2, 2023
Israel, EU reconcile, agree to hold summit after Cohen-Borrell meeting
4 Tal Giladi, Etti Abramov, YNet News, April 28, 2023
Life on the go: How this Israeli family found freedom in endless travel
Nitzi Yakov, YNet News, April 25, 2023
'One plus one equals far more': Arab and Jewish women learning microbusiness development together
Hadas Gold, CNN, April 24, 2023
Palestinian reporter breaks barriers by reporting in Hebrew on Israeli TV
Ilan Levinsohn, YNet News, April 16, 2023
'I simply love you': Bereaved father finds comfort with Palestinian neighbor
Alistair Bunkall, Sky News, April 16, 2023
The Jerusalem Post, March 14, 2023
Defense Minister Gallant: Jewish attack on Huwara was 'mark of Cain'
3 Sue Surkes, The Times of Israel, March 11, 2023
Quietly, a stretch of the Jordan River is being cleaned up and transformed
1 Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman, Khaled Abu Toameh, The Jerusalem Post, February 13, 2019
Palestinians pay ‘shiva’ call to family of murdered Ori Ansbacher
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