Par Peace Lines le 19 Août 2015 à 22:54
Title I
I – Constitution, Object, Implications, Headquarters
Art. 1 Constitution, Organizational Name
Between the persons who were present in June 1994, an organization called Peace Lines (in French Messageries de la Paix) was created.
Art. 2 Definition, Identification and Objective
Peace Lines is a non-confessional and non-partisan movement of citizens without borders, open to all free beings of good will. Their objective is to convey and spread messages and texts for peace between human beings, cities, peoples.
Art. 3 First ImplicationThe above-mentioned peace refers to the free circulation of people, ideas, and items transferred for the purpose of harmony between human beings. In this spirit, the members of Peace Lines commit themselves to summon their means to act in the aim of restoring and reinforcing peace where it is threatened.
Art. 4 Second Implication
The members of Peace Lines, in their constant strife towards this peace, reject any policy of servitude, submission or assault against human dignity. In this way they pledge themselves to a continuous coherence of their words and deeds.
Art. 5 Third Implication
They gather and work freely, without any care of age, social status, or ethnicity. The main criteria for participating are availability and reliablility.
Art. 6 Composition
Peace Lines is composed of physical and moral persons, some of them referents, the others are members, likewise able to vote and be elected. To be considered an active member, in accordance with the spirit of the previous articles, you must truly, actively and regularly contribute to the pursuit of Peace Lines’ objectives. Referents are defined as people whose actions and/or works are known to us, and can be used, precisely, as constant, essential references.
Art. 7 Headquarters
The office of the Headquarters is located in Esternay (F-51). It can be transferred through a simple decision of the Steering Committee, confirmed by the Coordination Council. This decision will be submitted to votes at the earliest yearly meeting.
Title II
II – Organizational Process
Art. 1 The Coordination Council
1.1 Composition and Renewal
The Coordination Council is composed of a maximum of nine members. Among them are the members of the Steering Committee. Its members are elected for three years. There is a rotation of one third of the Coordination Council each year, at the Annual Meeting. Its members can be re-elected. Its debates can be held with or without physical presence, in person, or through exchange of mails, emails.
1.2 Role and meetings
The Coordination Council is the structure which enables the Steering Committee to develop its reflections and re-orient its actions, according to necessities and conjunctures. Its meetings are called by the Steering Committee, at least once every term (four times a year).
Art. 2 The Steering Committee
2.1 Composition and Renewal
The Steering Committee is composed of a maximum of four members :
- a coordinator
- a treasurer
- two secretaries
elected for a one year term by the Coordination Council in its midst.
2.2 Role and Meetings
The Steering Committee enables Peace Lines to pursue and reach its objectives, as they are defined in Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Title I. Its members must be open to meeting at any time, according to the call of circumstances. The Steering Committee has a right to limit membership based on its discretion and the needs of the organization. In the case of a compromise to the moral and/or material interests of the organization, or in the case of a breach of the Internal Regulations, the Steering Committee is able to pronounce a change in membership status.
2.3 The Coordinator’s function
The Coordinator guides the work of the Steering Committee. In the case of a tied vote in either the Steering Committee or the Coordination Council, his/her vote is preponderant. The Coordinator is responsible for representing the organization in court, and in every other administrative or civil duty. However, he or she may delegate this role, in court and/or for such other circumstances, to another member of the Steering Committee.
Art. 3 Annual Meeting
3.1 Date
The Annual Meeting takes place on either the first or second Saturday of the year.
3.2 Composition
Members are called up at least fifteen days in advance of the meeting by the Steering Committee, which alone has the capacity to invite non-members. An absent member can only be represented by another member at the Annual Meeting.
3.3 Role
The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to hold necessary debates and votes. Decisions regarding objectives accomplished and the previous year’s financial balance statement are finalized through voting, as well as future goals and budget outline for the year to come. The assembly then proceeds to the election of the Coordination Council when a finished mandate makes that necessary.
3.4 Quorum
In order for debates to be valid, at least 60% of the membership base must be represented, either by the members themselves, or, in case of absence, by proxy. If this quorum is not reached, the Steering Committee must call a second Annual Meeting, at which the vote is valid, regardless of the number of members present.
Art. 4 the Extraordinary Meeting
The Extraordinary Meeting functions in the same way as the Annual Meeting, with regards to its composition and the validity of the debates. It is called upon by the Steering Committee, notably, for any change in statutes, or for the dissolution of the organization.
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