

    Our first priority is to inform you, with the sections of our site : Media – Must Read, Ongoing Work, Recommended Books, Online References.

    Since we created this site www.peacelines.org, quite modestly, in the beginning of January 2014, more than 10,500 visitors have come to visit (on average, about 20 per day, since the summer).

    We maintain our liberty without government subsidies or commercial sponsors, with a minimal budget of about 4000€ each year, which pays for all the functioning costs, including trips. We need your support to continue. A mere, regular contribution of 8€ per month will make all the difference for our survival.

    The easiest way is by a wire transfer. Our IBAN :  FR76 1020 6512 3712 1073 3600 074

    Bank Identification Code (SWIFT)                       :   AGRIFRPP802 

    Or write a check to the order of Peace Lines. Address : Peace Lines, 51310, Champagnemay, Esternay, France.

    Your comments are both welcome and expected. We shall also post Newsletters on line.



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